Stand-Up Show. Igor Meerson.

This is not the first show of Meerson for me. But the first show of this format for sure.
Stand-up comedian Meerson enlisted the support of professional pianist Alexei Kurbatov. It’s not just stand-up anymore. This is “MusiComedy” as they call it.

You will not hear any standard gender jokes here and everything that we are used to in modern comedy. Igor talks about classical music, but he does it in such a funny and ironic way that the atmosphere in the hall is absolutely club-like.

Yes, at the beginning of the show we see a fragment of a classic stand-up comedy, but it comes only to immerse us in the world of music: Igor talks about his painful childhood experience of getting to know the classics. And we are imbued with the theme through the personal experiences of the hero.
And then, we will travel through the biographies and works of Vivaldi, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Bach. Where jokes are supported by live performance of music. And fugues and preludes are analyzed, commented on and seasoned with humor. I look around, people of different generations from different countries enjoy it. In so many different ways. Now I understand the “Cosmopolitan” magazine quote about Meyerson’s work: “His humor is both subtle and sharp. Close to both young stand-up fans and their grandmothers.” It’s like that.

This is an amazing show, somewhat reminiscent of Bill Bailey’s performances. But Igor seems to have gone further. We don’t just laugh at musical jokes. We learn something new about our time, about ourselves through the experience of composers of the past, through their music.

And let the music be old. This is definitely a very new stand-up. And the audience completely agrees with me.

Author: Aleksandr Zdankevitch. 15.08.2022

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